- 78.9 = hypereuryprosopic (very short-/broad-faced)
79.0 - 83.9 = euryprosopic (short-/broad-faced)
84.0 - 87.9 = mesoprosopic (moderate in facial form)
88.0 - 92.9 = leptoprosopic (long-/narrow-faced)
93.0 - = hyperleptoprosopic (very long-/narrow-faced)
*Note, the border for hyperleptoprosopicsm is 95-96 for the skull and 93 for the living males.
Map with regional averages and a colour indicated map

The yellow 'S' indicates that in those areas only Swedish speakers were studied. Mixed data of Finnish and Swedish speakers has been used for the Turku/Åbo Archipelago.
The most long/narrow-faced people according to this data were the Swedish-speakers of Nyland. In comparison the Swedish-speakers of Southern-Ostrobothnia were more broad-faced than the Finnish speakers of Ostrobothnia. According to the studies, there seems to be quite a bit of anthropological differences between the Swedish speaking groups of Nyland, Åland, Abo Archipelago and Ostrobothnia, but that matter deserves its own topic/time and place.
Data taken from
T.Y.Roschier - Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Bewohnern der Landschaft Karjala (Helsinki, 1931)
A.O.Arho - Anthropologische Untersuchungen in den Landschaften Åland und Varsinais-Suomi (Helsinki, 1934)
Niilo Pesonen, Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Bewohnern der Landschaft Satakunta (Helsinki, 1935)
Niilo Pesonen, Anthropologische Untersuchungen an Bewohnern der Landschaft Savo (Helsinki, 1937)
L.Löfgren - über die anthropologie der Bewohner von Uusimaa (Helsinki, 1937)
Erkki Kivalo, Anthropologische Untersuchung von Bewohnern der Landschaft Nord-Ostrobottnien (Helsinki 1957)
Antti Telkkä, Anthropologische Untersuchung von Bewohnern der Landschaft Häme (Helsinki, 1952)
More detailed summaries will be posted at a later date. A post with data for Carelian men (with scan) is available.
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